
Vision Therapy

Our office provides services for the diagnosis and treatment of vision disorders that interfere with reading, learning and other activities of daily living. We work with adults and children, including those who have suffered a head injury (concussion or stroke) or have low vision.

The different types of vision problems that respond well to optometric vision therapy include eye coordination, eye movement/tracking, focusing and visual information processing. There is no age limit – vision therapy works well for adults as well as children.

Depending on the type of vision problem sometimes glasses can help. If glasses won’t solve the vision problem then vision therapy can often make all the difference.

Vision therapy is much like physical therapy, but rather than treating the muscles of the body, it works on the eye and brain connection.  It is an invaluable tool that has changed not only our patients’ vision, but has improved many related areas of their lives as well.

The first step is a thorough evaluation with our doctors to determine all your treatment options. Having had extensive experience treating patients of all ages, Dr. Dok and Dr. Shen easily make their younger patients comfortable during this evaluation.

Often, children who have been falling behind in reading are able to improve their performance greatly by reducing the effects of their vision problems.  Vision therapy truly allows kids to enjoy learning and become more confident, happier people.

What Equipment Does a Vision Therapist Use?

Just as a physical therapist might use treadmills or weights, a vision therapist uses hi-tech equipment including prisms, filtered lenses, computerized systems as well as a variety of other specialized equipment to conduct vision therapy sessions. In our office, we use many interactive computer programs that our younger patients enjoy and that result in long-lasting success.

Not only do the programs offer a proven, more effective method of delivering therapy, but the “fun” nature of the programs keeps children motivated to work, and thus, we find that results come quicker and stronger for our patients.

How Long is a Vision Therapy Program?

The number of office visits required depends on the diagnosis and the age of the patient. Vision therapy programs typically involve one to two in-office sessions throughout the week, for a varying number of months depending on need.  We usually prescribe home exercises to reinforce office therapy.

What’s the First Step?

The first step to determining whether or not vision therapy is needed is to schedule a binocular vision evaluation.  There are many factors that the doctor takes into account prior to prescribing this course of treatment.  During the evaluation the doctor will be testing all the visual skills required for reading and learning.

How do I prepare my child for the evaluation?

To prepare your child for the evaluation, be sure to explain that there will be no shots and that there are no wrong answers.  It is also helpful if you can make sure your child has a good night’s sleep and eats a balanced meal with protein and vegetables (if possible) prior to the appointment.

The evaluation takes about 1.5 hours and is very thorough. A second appointment for additional testing may be recommended for some individuals. After the evaluation, a separate appointment is scheduled where our doctors will speak with both parents to get a better understanding of how the vision problem is impacting your child’s life.  They then combine your information with the results of the testing to design a unique treatment plan to ensure your child’s success.

To schedule an appointment please call our office at: (206) 614-0034

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